Meet Roberta Ann
Healing Practitioner
On reflection, I can see now that my path was always to become a healer.
8 year old me wanted to be a doctor, because doctors healed sick people.
13 year old me knew at my darkest time, that the path then was directed toward light.
Whilst there have been many turning point moments to keep me on the path to this point, 2015 is one of significance,
I was a single mum, on the last modules of my Bachelor of Counselling and Coaching and I remember so clearly, pondering "what is the purpose to life?" "What is the actual point?"
We are all born, we all die, we all fill that 'time' in-between in all different ways, different experiences, beliefs, values, purposes, priorities, lifestyles, but what is it that is meant?
I was so hungry to understand the purpose to life.
It was significant because whilst I was so hungry for clarity, no one else around me at the time was...
The more I searched for answers, the more the answers were coming in, though not through the methods I had been taught through this life, I was listening, trusting and acting.
*listen, trust, act, repeat*
Life was beginning to make sense, which made absolutely no sense, based on what I had so far been taught.
This was exciting!
It was empowering!
For the first time, I was beginning to understand.
My relationships were changing, those I was like to like to, I no longer resonated with, people I didn't have anything in common with were becoming people whom I could talk with, connect with.
In 2016 I had a reading by a Sphinx Accredited Medium (how this reading came about is a story in itself) and instantly recognised that I had found my place.
One long search was over. The search to find myself was really about to begin.
2017 I was qualified in Hahnemann Healing and studying the diploma of Spiritual Counselling, through Sphinx Spiritual.
My journey of healing, growth and developing my self identity since is challenging, confronting, trying, painful and raw.
I fall over, regularly, at times I take 3 steps backward before I've celebrated one step forward, questioning my ability is a self talk which still creeps in.
I still have so much growing up to do, and so much more to learn about love, and I recognise that I am a student for life, however, what I do know, and what is unshakeable, is my unwavering knowing that the path of growth is the path with fullfillment, freedom, love and joy.
Growth is not easy, just worth it!
In my moments of doing healing I become an emissary of my guide and I throw myself at it.
I love what I do. I believe in what I do and I would love to walk along side you, on your journey to healing and self discovery.
Roberta x
Services available

Negativity out, love in
Tired of negativity? Reconnect with your loving self
With concentrated and specific energy, Hahnemann Healing:
Release trapped negative emotions, creating space for positivity and growth.
Targets specific emotional points in the body, fostering deep and lasting healing.
Sparks physical and mental shifts, opening the mind to new possibilities.
Empowers you to move beyond what holds you back, with renewed clarity and strength.
Injury correction, stress & tension relief
In Concomitant Healing it is recognised that where the body is holding an injury (regardless of its cause which can include emotional reasons) it will be affected in many more parts than just the injured area.
By following these affected parts in the injured body, the practitioner is able to resolve significant injures quickly and effectively. Therefore, fit does not follow known or established lines through the body.
Increase energy
Reduce anxiety
Clarity about your life and life's direction
Ease feelings of depression
Gentle care and progress after grief
Find a resolution to conflict
Increase self belief
Diminish anger
Reduce sleep problems
Reduce sadness
Increase coping ability
Heal from physical injury after illness or accident
Increase upliftment and joy
Addictions and weight loss
Reduct the impact of past hurts and developmental arrests
Spiritual Counsellors are trained to have a thorough understanding of human behaviour, the reasons for that behaviour and how it fits into the framework of spiritual values. The counsellor uses these values to guide their client, which quickly allows the client a better understanding of themselves and those around them in their life.
Spiritual Counselling appts coming in 2025
My time, women's meet
Thursdays 7pm - 9pm
Taking a short window out for you.
Women supporting women:
Come along!
My time - teen talk
Navigating through teenage years is tough!
Its easy to feel confused, misunderstood, unsure and alone.
My time is a 2hr, once a fortnight, after school slot, for teen girls to come down and share, listen, and contribute in a safe, inclusive environment, encouraging identity exploration and self empowerment.
Suitable for girls between 13years and 17 years.

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Your Healing Journey Starts Here
Contact Info
0412 878 322
52 Kars St, Frankston, or get in contact for more locations
— Eustahije S